Money laundering is a significant concern in the financial industry, with organizations facing increasing pressure to detect and prevent financial crimes. In this webinar, we will introduce you to Hopsworks - an operational AI platform that enables organizations to build and deploy machine learning models for anti-money laundering (AML).
Preventing money laundering in real time has been, until now, an unreachable goal. The legacy approach uses stale data and too many cutoffs, resulting in less than ideal results. Hopsworks will demonstrate a machine learning driven approach and an end-to-end solution that provides accurate real-time results at extreme scale and that incorporates graph features, pipeline management, alerting & workflow, and visualization.
With Hopsworks, our feature store and vector database allow for efficient storage and management of AML features used in model training. This, combined with the platform's support for scalable model training on GPUs, enables organizations to build accurate and robust AML models. Additionally, Hopsworks' integration with existing AML systems ensures a comprehensive approach to detecting and preventing financial crimes by:
- Utilizing the feature store and vector database in Hopsworks for efficient storage and management of AML features used in model training.
- Benefiting from scalable model training on GPUs, even with large and complex datasets often involved in AML.
- Integrating seamlessly with existing AML systems for a comprehensive approach to detecting and preventing financial crimes.
- Utilizing Hopsworks' advanced capabilities such as model serving with KServe for efficient deployment of AML models.
- Leveraging open-source foundation models for a solid starting point in building accurate AML models.
Join us as we explore the complete life cycle of building and deploying AML models using Hopsworks and open-source foundation models. With its advanced capabilities, Hopsworks offers a comprehensive platform for organizations to effectively combat money laundering and enhance their AML processes. Don't miss this opportunity to learn how Hopsworks can help your organization strengthen its AML efforts.