Predict customers that are at risk of churning.
Predict clients' repayment abilities.
Detect Fraud Transactions.
Detect Fraud Transactions using batch data.
An introductory tutorial including all the main concepts to get started easily.
Predict loan approvals.
In this example, you write a PySpark program that produces and consumes messages to/from a Kafka cluster. This program can only be run from inside Hopsworks.
Build a machine learning model with Weights & Biases.
Introduction to Great Expectations concepts and classes which are relevant for integration with the Hopsworks MLOps platform.
Create an External Feature Group using BigQuery Storage Connector.
Create an External Feature Group using GCS Storage Connector.
Create an External Feature Group using Redshift Storage Connector.
Create an External Feature Group using Snowflake Storage Connector.
Perform feature engineering in DBT on BigQuery.
How to implement feature monitoring in your production pipeline.
Real-time feature computation using Bytewax.
Real time feature computation using Apache Beam, Google Cloud Dataflow and Hopsworks Feature Store.
Real time feature computation using Apache Flink and Hopsworks Feature Store.
Create Snowflake, BigQuery and Hopsworks feature groups and then combine them in a unified view exposing all features together regardless of their source.
This example of Hopsworks Python API program shows how to create new projects or access existing ones in Hopsworks.
How to run a Python program (from inside Hopsworks) that acts as an opensearch-py client for the OpenSearch cluster in Hopsworks.
This example shows the Hopsworks Python API for Kafka - manage schemas, topics and set up the connection to the kafka brokers.
This example of Python Hopsworks API program, shows how to create a job for an existing python or spark program, execute it and access application logs.
How to upload data to your cluster and download data from the cluster to your local environment.
This Python Hopsworks API example shows how to clone a git repository, checkout new branches to develop a feature, and push it to a remote.
This example Hopsworks program shows the Python API for managing secrets in Hopsworks.
This Python Hopsworks example shows how to interact with HopsFS from python, using the hdfs module.
How to run an example Airflow DAG that launches jobs on Hopsworks.
Predict the Air Quality value (PM2.5) in Europe and USA using weather features and air quality features of the previous days.
Predict the fare amount for a taxi ride in New York City given the pickup and drop off locations.
How to register Sklearn Transformation Functions and Keras model in the Hopsworks Model Registry, how to retrieve them and then use in training and inference pipelines.
Build a recommender system for fashion items based on data from previous transactions, as well as from customer and product meta data.
Timeseries price prediction based on previous prices and engineered features such as RSI, EMA, etc.