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Advancing AI Innovation - Insights from Arbetsförmedlingen and KI

AI Industrialization, LLMs and Parallel Computation

Advancing AI Innovation - Insights from Arbetsförmedlingen and KI
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Advancing AI Innovation - Insights from Arbetsförmedlingen and KI

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October 19, 2023
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8:30 am
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Åsögatan 119, Stockholm

Explore cutting-edge advancements in AI and Machine Learning using Hopsworks, a leading feature store platform for MLOps.

Explore cutting-edge advancements in AI industrialization, Large Language Models (LLMs), and parallel computation in the Swedish technical landscape, using Hopsworks, a leading feature store platform for MLOps. Join us for a breakfast seminar filled with valuable insights from industry experts and learn how both Arbetsförmedlingen and Karolinska Institutet have leveraged feature store technology to drive AI innovation for cancer research and job matching. End the morning by networking and connecting with like-minded professionals and share your personal AI experiences with industry peers.



08:30 AM - 08:55 AM: Breakfast

08:55 AM - 09:00 AM: Welcome

09:00 AM - 09:30 AM: AI industrialization, Data-driven matching and LLM - Arbetsförmedlingen

09:30 AM - 10:00 AM: Parallel computation helping for cancer research - Karolinska Institutet

10:00 AM - 10:30 AM: Put models in production faster - Hopsworks

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM: Q&A & Networking


Location: Åsögatan 119, Plan 2, 116 24, Stockholm

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