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AI Governance: A Good Idea for Compliance and Efficiency

AI Governance: A Good Idea for Compliance and Efficiency
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AI Governance: A Good Idea for Compliance and Efficiency

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June 26, 2024
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3:00 pm
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In this webinar we will demonstrate how the new AI regulation requirements can drive efficiency and productivity in AI teams.

During this webinar, we will revisit a theme that has been discussed in the past, but that has now resurfaced as a prominent topic in the world of Machine Learning and AI: data governance. 

With the arrival of several AI related regulations, many government and corporate organizations will need to step up their data governance for their AI pipelines, as it will be a clear and explicit requirement before these systems are to be used in production. This is great news: not only will this practice protect each and everyone of us as citizens, but in this webinar, we will demonstrate how this requirement will also drive efficiency and productivity in AI teams. By using the right tools and infrastructure, compliance requirements can be turned into value drivers for AI systems. 

Join our webinar, where we will explain and show you how.

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